Action Groups
Identify issues and opportunities for advocacy
Agitate to give connectivity and digital literacy greater emphasis in school curriculum
Create a focus group to map connectivity issues and opportunities to clearly articulate and advocate to decision makers – give inland a competitive advantage and a clean united voice
Help foster leadership around creating a culture of early adoption of technology and connectivity infrastructure
Establish a Burnett Inland Tourism action group
Stanwell (Tarong Power stations) water
Local food/food security
Convene a meeting around a food processing/ innovation hub
Circular Economy
Community Carbon
Re-investigate the Burnett Inland Strategic Roads working group
Convene a meeting around knowledge transfer
Establish a working group
Create an information hub.
A road that is direct to the Sunshine Coast
Community-owned transport service
Arts & Cultural Centre
Water Park
International Garden
Investigate what is out there – we don’t know what we don’t know
Establish a Burnett Inland action group
Merge with other working groups such as Industrial Development and Liveable Communities​
Create dedicated shared learning/working spaces
Hub in the pub
The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen
Simon Sinek