With a strong history of innovation and resilience, the Burnett Inland has endured more than its fair share of drought, floods, natural disasters and industry changes, yet none of these have defeated us - in fact, they’ve driven resilience, innovation and tenacity.
The challenges that lie ahead from climate change, further disruption from technology advances and the potential exit of some of our dominant industries will also provide significant opportunities, and we know as a region that we will be stronger in 30 or 50 years time if our people are given an opportunity to co-design their preferred future.
The research report drew on work previously done in the region as well as case studies for regions who have navigated their way through complex change, and proposes a framework for all - community members, businesses, government and agencies - to be involved in building resilience into the future.
The report considered the regional context, including industry and economic outputs, demographics, and innovation investment infrastructure activity. As well as, identifies the ‘ecosystem’ of leading economic development organisations in the region, including government, peak bodies, community organisations, service providers, corporations, foundations, and education providers.
Furthermore, the report highlighted current strategies and narratives by relevant institutions and community leaders, including a strategy thematic analysis and identification of accountabilities and potential gaps in strategy execution and enablers and inhibitors identified by the community.
The research report also outlined regional transition models from literature with examples of National and International case studies.
A new approach is needed for regions in transition
The consideration builds on principles of ecosystem building including:
1. Maintain diversity and redundancy;
2. Manage connectivity;
3. Encourage learning and experimentation;
4. Broaden participation;
5. Promote polycentric governance systems;
6. Foster understanding of complex adaptive systems; and
7. Maintain slow variables and feedback.
Change and transition takes time. The need for consistency and density is highlighted from research. A case is made from research for managing this process through external agencies outside of established public institutions. Collective impact and a backbone structure are positioned as an approach to address the challenges.
Red Earth's commitment to the Burnett Inland is to continue providing a backbone structure that enables the practical steps needed to be taken today to build the Burnett Inland that our future generations inherit in 20, 30 and 50 years time.
We invite you to join us in the exciting journey of designing a plan, so that those following us will know where their region’s strong foundation came from.
To read the full Burnett Futures Inland Research report click below: